
Osmotolerant sourdough starters

Enriched doughs are doughs that are high in fats, sugars or dairy. Although they may seem very similar, they are quite different to lean doughs (that is regular doughs, like bread dough), which is why they require a slightly different approach when it comes to the sourdough starter used in these doughs as well. Enriched doughs require osmotolerant starters in order to have an optimum rise and taste. That is not to say you can’t use your regular sourdough starter to proof a brioche, but […]

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Advice for a strong starter & how to back-up your starter

If you just started your sourdough journey and have built your own starter from scratch, you have reached the point where you have to take care of it. A few pieces of advice you might want to consider: Although it mights seem redundant to say it, it is important. Never ever use the entire starter culture you have for breadmaking, always keep as little as 5-10 grams and feed it. If you use it all, you will have to start all over building your starter […]

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About us

The story behind ‘Homebakers by Grain Trip’ cannot start without first mentioning our “big brother”. With Grain Trip, we dreamed of taking everyone who visited our bakery on an exciting journey around the world, where they could discover the tastes and treats of new destinations on each visit. We were homebakers for a very long time until we could make Grain Trip Bakery a reality. We opened its doors in April 2018, bringing 100% sourdough breads and tasty pastries, filled with love and character, to our hometown of Bucharest in Romania.

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